May 4, 2017
PBC Group, YMCA- YWCA of the National Capital Region and CTV Live Ottawa visit Camp Otonabee!

On April 24th, PBC Group together with CTV Morning Live and the YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region attended Camp Otonabee in Dunrobin to get a first-hand experience of all the fun activities and events happening this summer at Camp.
For the first time, 100% of the proceeds raised by the participants of the Y Cliffhanger Event will go directly towards sending kids to neighborhood day camps and outdoor camps, like Camp Otonabee.
The YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region has been providing camps for children in our community for over 120 years (since 1893). The Y has four Neighborhood Day Camps across the city, in addition to the outdoor camp, Camp Otonabee. Over 5,000 children attend Y Camps each year across the National Capital Region. Of these 5,000 children, almost half receive some form of financial assistance from the Y each year. These are children in need who would otherwise not be able to experience camp – including over 50 children from the Y’s Family Shelter. The YMCA is Canada’s largest camp provider.
Canadian camp research shows that a quality camp experience results in lasting positive outcomes for children. These include increased independence and self-confidence. Developing new friendships and being part of a positive group increases environmental awareness and improves a child’s attitude toward physical activity.
Come on out and show your support for the 2017 Y Cliffhanger and our brave rapellers on June 15, 2017!
To see PBC Group’s live interview with Sara Freemark from CTV Live Ottawa, please click here