December 22, 2021
Supporting our Community by Giving Back

This holiday season, PBC Group and its employees are recognizing the enormous impact that hospitals and their staff have had on the health, safety, and overall well-being of individuals and families in Ottawa. Hospitals have been under an inordinate amount of strain since the COVID-19 pandemic began, and The Ottawa Hospital and l’Hôpital Montfont have stepped up to meet the challenge wave after wave.
To show its appreciation, PBC Group is contributing $200,000 to local hospital expansion plans, with $100,000 being donated to The Ottawa Hospital for its new Civic campus to be built on Carling Avenue, and $100,000 being donated to l’Hôpital Montfort for its Orléans Health Hub that opened in June 2021. The unrelenting dedication and commitment to our city shown by these two institutions should be commended and they have PBC Group’s praise and support.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.